Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Daylilies - Hemerocallis

These plants come in so many colours - in fact, almost every colour except blue. I use them as background fillers (the plant can get a bit ratty into autumn), and they add a great height and colour to any kind of garden, be it perennial of shrub.
These are just a few I have in my own garden.

They are, of course, related to the Lily family. The following are some of the Asiatic Lilies I have flowering in my garden right now. They will be succeeded by many other species until late autumn.

And of course the Martagon Lily. Possibly my favourite. I have them in pots so
I can bring them right up to the kitchen window. They are fascinating close-up.
They last for weeks and weeks. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Attracting Tui and Bellbirds Into Your Garden

Nothing beats having these special birds hopping from plant to plant right next to where you are sitting (or sleeping). I have had these flax plants in my garden for quite a few years, and they have never failed to attract the birds, including when we a house load of Christmas guests right next to them.
This year I have been intrigued by a juvenile Tui (see photos) who is particularly fearless (or naive?) and even flew into the house the other day to land on the Christmas tree!!
Flaxes are Phormium Merlot and Dark Delight. Both are a perfect fit in the rear of the largely perennial garden. Having a mixture of varieties guarantees a longer flowering period.

Flaxes are planted to the rear all the way along the front of the house. 
The flaxes mingle with the perennials
Bellbird seen from our bedroom window
The juvenile Tui - hasn't quite developed his full adult colours yet. He flits from flax to flax. 
The juvenile won this battle

Silly juvenile Tui in the house after landing on the Christmas tree!